English is Magic - was founded by Ashley Cowie and Natalia Reyes Escobar in June 2016. Our mission is to educate underprivileged children in rural Colombia with the English language. But its pretty hard to learn a language when your friends and family don't speak it, and the whole process can be difficult and boring. To encourage our students to keep their heads down we integrate the arts of magic and illusion in our teaching methodologies, therefore the children are rewarded with a non-material prize for making the grades.


Classes are held on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays between 2pm and 4pm. Our teaching facility is based just outside Tabio at El Rancho Country House. If you have a child who needs extra help with English then please contact us below. And don't worry about the cost, English is Magic isn't about money. In return for our classes we accept; fresh vegetables, fruits, freshly coffee beans and fresh cows milk.